To what extent should someone intervene in another person's life? When Phoebe Bennington of Old Rye, Connecticut tries to save a friend from an imprudent marriage, she sets in motion a series of events that forever changes the lives of those involved.

Jeanne Farewell is the author of a short story collection, Nantucket Snow, and a play, Tea at Molesworth Manor. Her stories, essays, and book reviews have been published in a number of journals and literary magazines, among them Byline, Art Times, Enigma, Bibliophilos, Whetstone, First Knight in London, and on the Victorian Web.  Miss Farewell graduated from Vassar College.  She is also a pianist and has performed in the  U.S., Europe, the U.K., and China.

B-3 Old Rye, by Jeanne Farewell Original Trade Paperback, 248 Pages.             ISBN # 0-9778509-0-0 Publication 2009      U.S.A. $14.95




“a near perfect mix of complexity and thrills”                                                   -ForeWord CLARION Reviews

Five Star Review


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Here in Nantucket Snow, gathered under one roof, are many of Jeanne Farewell’s characters,    some of whom have appeared in previous     publications and some who are new to the party. Meet Joshua Bilge, the company do-gooder who makes himself despised by everyone in the office. And Priscilla Bent, a cranky restaurant reviewer whose misery in having to stay in a French château is only exceeded by her misery in having to leave it.  An acquaintance with the persnickety party critic Benson can be hazardous - his own social conduct is far more reprehensible than that which he criticizes. Also present are the Cherry Hill Players, a troupe of theater people whose identities are predicated on appropriating the identities of others.  These and more make their appearance in the fourteen tales of Nantucket Snow.

B-1 Nantucket Snow, by Jeanne Farewell.Original Trade Paperback, 248 Pages.            ISBN # 0-9778509-0-0 Publication 2006              U.S.A. $14.95


Blue Checkerboard

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A new novel by Jeanne Farewell is slated for release in 2012.